Monthly Archive:: January 2014

Tips & Remedies

29 Tips revealed to keep skin smooth in winter

In winter, everyone experiencing flaky skin, dryness, itchiness, skin irritations, allergies or breakouts due to the
Natural Supplements

43 magic foods to get glowing skin naturally

“Nature gives us everything we need to look and feel beautiful” How to get glowing skin naturally

TATCHA® New Indigo Collection for Skincare Reveals the secrets of the samurai

The Japanese luxury skincare brand TATCHA® introduced its new INDIGO collection. The trio is comprised of

The untold story behind under eye wrinkles

It is commonly believed that the first sign of aging that appears on your face is
Tips & Remedies

Why skin tightening creams are not recommended by experts

Every emerging concept in skin care regime entails a lot of expectations, whether positive or negative.
Tips & Remedies

What you need to find in best moisturizer for dry skin

Keeping the level of hydration sustained in winters becomes quite a difficult task for people having

L’Oréal halting sales of its Garnier’s skincare and beauty Products from China

Followed by Avalon Revlon , another beauty giant L’Oréal is scaling back its China operations. French
Tips & Remedies

Rejuvenate the skin with homemade best moisturizers for dry skin.

In winter , the cold and dry breezes have the greatest tendency to dehydrate the skin